Home insurance (or house insurance) protects you from insured events that damage your home or your belongings. If your home is damaged or destroyed in a fire for example, then having the right insurance could mean the insurance provider will pay to replace your belongings and repair or rebuild your home.
Home insurance is made up of buildings insurance and contents insurance, which can be bought separately or together from the same provider
What type of home insurance do I need?
Buildings or contents insurance or both?
It’s essential to have the right type of home insurance for your particular situation, so here are the basics in a nutshell.
If you own your own home, you’re responsible for both buildings and contents insurance. Like we said earlier, it’s advisable to have both.
If you’re renting, then buildings insurance is usually the responsibility of your landlord, but it’s advisable to have contents insurance to protect your personal belongings. Find out more about rental contents insurance.
If you have a holiday home, both buildings and contents insurance can be more expensive than regular home insurance. This is because holiday homes are often left unoccupied, meaning problems like a burst pipe might go undetected for longer and cause more damage. Find out more about unoccupied property insurance.